Trust is the Key

Here’s a quick post and a funny story that I encounter recently.
A network marketer sent me a message on Facebook telling me that he’s into advertising business and that I should come to his office for a job briefing. Then I replied to him that he should create rapport first. Now, the funny thing is he unfriend and even blocked me.
Now what is the moral lesson in this story.

In the network marketing or any sales industry, trust is the key factor why people buy to your products and why new business ventures is executed. Remember the classic NDO (New Distributor Orientation) training, before we setup someone for a business opportunity meeting. We should know our prospects goals, wants, and weakness. This process what they call the FORM (Family, Occupation Recreation, and Message) process.
Because if we know our prospects needs, then we can say to them the right message they wanted to hear. This is a simple saying that you should know who are enemies are. So that you would know when to attack and sneak-in.
The best persuasion that you can do to make a person sign-up on your opportunity is to develop trust and relationship.
Here’s my simple formula about network marketing.
Network    = Relationship
Marketing = Business
Network + Marketing = Relationship Must Comes First Before Business!

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