How to Make People Buy Now

"People Buy You First, Your Company and Products Last"

A lot of network marketers try to do this backwards. Business is a bit like dating, you are not going to propose a wedding on your first date right? Because you need to know each other first.

It's the same way in your business. You don't need to impress your customer with all the wonderful features of your products, company and comp plan right away, because that is doing it backwards. It's like telling to a girl that you just met how handsome and how awesome you are and that you need to marry each other right away.

What you need to do is to build a rapport with your customers first. Be genuinely willing to help, and share your knowledge that will serve them. This will show that you are an expert on the subject.

Once you are able to do this, they will see the value in you and trust you, and will be wanting to buy anything you sell, without you even try to do so.

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